Hôtel de Sèvres – Site officiel
Book Company Access

Legal notices

Propriétaire / Owner :

Téléphone | Phone : +33 (0) 1 45 48 84 07
Adresse | Adress : 22, rue de l’Abbé Grégoire
Adresse | Adress : 75006 Paris
SIRET : 552 092 686 00013
RCS : Paris B 552 092 686
N° de TVA intracommunautaire : FR63552092686
Capital social : 37.000,00 euros
Crédits photographiques : David Grimbert / David Emmanuel Cohen
Crédits dessins : Marilyn MacGregor

Création du Site Web | Website Creation : Altelis

Téléphone | Phone number : +33(0)1 85 09 74 06
Adresse | Address : 37, rue Adam Ledoux
Adresse | Address : 92400 Courbevoie – France
SIRET : N°80164723100050
RCS : Paris B 801647231
N° de TVA Intracommunautaire : FR44801647231
Forme juridique : Société à responsabilité limitée
Capital Social : 100.000,00 Euros

Hébergement | Hosting : OVH

Téléphone | Phone number : +33(0)8 99 70 17 61
Adresse | Address : 2, rue Kellermann
Adresse | Address : 59100 Roubaix – France
SIRET : N°42476141900045
RCS : Lille Metropole B 424761419
N° de TVA Intracommunautaire : FR22424761419
Forme juridique : Société par actions simplifiée
Capital Social : 10.000.000,00 Euros

In case of dispute, after having contacted the customer service department and failing a satisfactory answer within 1 month, the customer can refer to the Mediator of Tourism and Travel, Voyage, which can be contacted using the following contact details and procedures: MTV Mediation Tourisme Voyage BP 80303 75823 PARIS cedex 17 info@mtv.travel

Link to the European online dispute resolution platform: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=FR

This site has been registered in France with the CNIL, as required by law no. 78-17 dated 6th January 1978 concerning data protection and privacy (declaration no. 1372618). Personally identifiable information will never be disclosed to third parties. In accordance with the (revised) Information and Freedom Act of 6th January 1978, you are given the right to access, modify, rectify or delete the information relating to yourself. To exercise this right, you can contact the owner of the website.


Relatives information about GDPR